Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Difference Between JADE and WADE

WADE is basically based on JADE

WADE adds to JADE two main features which are given below.
1) The possibility for agents extending the WorkflowEngineAgent class (that on its turn extends jade.core.Agent) to execute tasks defined as workflows by means of the Wolf graphical development environment. The tutorial available on the WADE web site ( provides a step by step description about that.

2) An architecture and additional mechanisms that facilitate the administration of a WADE based application such as the possibility to start a platform distributed on several hosts from a central point specifying which containers to activate and where (in which hosts) and which agents to activate and where (in which containers).

FYP(Final Year Project) Poster and Abstract

Agent Interactive Modelling Tool-kit is aimed to develop a toolkit that provides the designers with building agents. These are java based agents which contains seamless agent simulation environment. In general, this toolkit supports the development of flexible models of agent behaviors emphasizing sophisticated social interactions and social structure development. The designer can modify our agent according to his requirements and use them for their specific applications. Users can also add their agents in our toolkit as long as they fulfill the definition of agents defined by us. This toolkit is open-source that is we provide the users with agent’s interaction code along with the AUML diagrams.